Monday, May 28, 2012

Ghost Falls

The Wasatch Front has to be the place on earth with the best ratio of big city proximity to mountains and recreation.  Today, my friend Nathan and I hiked to Ghost Falls along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, the entrance to which is in the middle of a neighborhood of homes in Draper.  Here are some views of the valley while we hiked:

Unbeknownst to me, but knownst to Draper City and unannounced to me by them, the main trail to Ghost Falls was closed today for a bike race.  Closed to hikers, anyway.  So we had to go around the long way, which was awesome.  Better exercise and better views.

Because it was cold Saturday and Sunday with lots of rain in the valley, the mountains beyond us were freshly capped with snow.

While our part of the mountain was green and lucious.

I've hiked to Ghost Falls once before, or tried to, but couldn't find the falls.  Maybe my sister, who is a wimpy asthmatic with bad knees, and I just petered out before we got that far.  (Love you, Reb.)  But since we had to go all the way to the top of the mountain and then back down to approach the falls from behind, they were easy to find today.

I don't know what the dealio is with this.  Every since I started taking pictures with my Samsung Galaxy S2, I get this upside down or sideways problem.  It's stupid.  I rotate the pictures, I save them, they show up fine on my computer, but when I upload them here or to facebook they show up all cattywompous. 

Quit complaining and turn your monitor on its side.

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