Saturday, May 19, 2012

Quoting movies

I like friends and family that quote movies with me.  Rebby's good at that.  Adam's good at that.  In Mexico, we quoted The Three Amigo's a lot.  He'd shout at me to, "Hold up your hat!  Higher!"  He quotes Jurassic Park with me, too.  "Some of them smell.  Babies smell!"

Once I was at the actual Field of Dreams, where the movie was shot, in Iowa.  I stood in the outfield and shouted out loud, "Hey! Is this Heaven?"  Someone shouted back, "No. It's Iowa."  Nice.

Last night was a church activity sponsored by my committee, so I was there to help set up.  We were putting paper tablecloths on the tables and taping them down.  I shouted, "Give me more unidirectional bonding strip!"  Not a single person said back, "Mr. Lightyear wants more tape."  What is with people?

Later on when I was sweeping up with a dust mop, someone was in my path, so I loudly and dismissively said, "Out of the way, peck."  Instead of a knowing smile, though, I got a dirty look.  And that happens every time I say that, which is every time someone is standing in my way.

I've decided that recognizing, using, and tolerating random movie quotes is a necessary attribute of any girl who wants to enjoy my chicken salad for eternity.  Especially if they can quote things like, "Follow me!  I'll follow you!"


  1. Even after 15 years of marraige, if I say some really random thing, Aleisha will often look at me and ask, "Is that a quote?" I will then just nod. She is picking up on some of them, and, if it sounds particularly Sorkin-esque, she will guess from which Sorkin work it comes.

  2. Replies
    1. 42. James I have to say that I'm a bit sad that I just realized that you are no longer my friend on FB...what happened there? You sure were in my dream last night. It was really weird, because the other day, yesterday, I believe I was thinking of how I call you Santiago and I haven't been able to call you that for a long time because I haven't seen you and then you showed up in my dream last night and if I recall correctly, you had really long hair, but you looked like Lincoln was weird (that is what dreams are). I found out that you are not my friend on fb anymore because I was writing on Meranie Fillmore's wall about thinking about her and the tomatoes she used to give you guys and of course your name did not pop up as an option. Lincoln's did and Tara's did but not James. Sad day...maybe I should have put "Santiago Fillmore" and that would have popped up. Needless to say, I was thinking about you while gardening, how I used to call you Santiago and how I can't now because I never see you and how I really don't ever see you because apparently we aren't FB friends...yet in my dream last night there you were, hugging me and giving me solace as a FRIEND...interesting! So what do we do from here??? Will you be my FB friend??? I know the answer to that! "42 and of course Becca, that must have been a mistake!!!!" ps i miss you being our computer guy. I'm not saying I don't like David...we have a kinship because we both served our missions in Uruguay, but my friend (can I call you that?) it's just not the same...oh well, it's summmer now so i guess I don't have a computer guy right now...pps you would be so proud of me. I just bought a terabite and a 1/2 external memory drive!!! Cool huh!!! Now I can get all that memory off of my computer...but how do I choose? You know the music has to stay...

      Lincoln, thanks for letting me use your blog as a means of communication with James who was found in my dream as I cried and hugged him last night....way emotional dream. You ended up being the one tagged in the fb post (cause it looks like we are still friends)even though the post wasn't about you. It was supposed to be about James and Tara...Tara got on there, but it had already tagged you...which is how I ended up on this page, because I clicked on the highlighted "Fillmore" with no first name on it and found your post...interesting where things lead us. oh electronics!

      PS can you name this movie quote...It's something I've been looking forward to saying to my spouse when I find him, for a long time, "You're everything I never knew I always wanted." And of course it is a chick flick! That's how I roll...enjoy!
