Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Game of Things

I played a new game this weekend, called The Game of Things.  It was really fun, but I sucked at it.

It is kind of like Balderdash, but instead of writing down fake definitions to words, you write down what the card asks for ("Things that make me nervous.") and then try to guess who wrote what.

For "Things that make me scream" I wrote "That one part in Jurassic Park."  Well that's my problem, I'm a completely open book who likes to try and be funny.  So, everyone knew that I had written that one, and I was out of that round early.

There was a couple on a date.  The girl knew most of us, but the guy didn't, so he was at a real disadvantage.  The guy, Justin, came with Heather.  On "Things that make me nervous" somebody in the group wrote "kissing Heather."  It was a funny answer, but he blew it by cracking up as he wrote it.  We all laughed when he was writing, and then again when it was read out loud, because it was hilarious.  But he got out early that round.

I usually don't have much fun at games when I lose so badly, but this one was really fun, and I think I might buy it for myself for Christmas.

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